Army Daze – Do Not Whisper to Your Drill Sergeant, no matter how appropriate it seems at the moment…
by: Dewayne Gore Upon our arrival at the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command in Fort McClellan, Alabama in March of 1984, new trainees were sorted, processed, and assigned to Basic Training Companies. The first several days consisted of arriving at The Reception Station, a gathering place of sorts, and being processed. At the Reception Station, we packed…
Army Daze – The Night I was a Marine
“Semper Fi, Marine, Semper Fi!”. Those hallowed words will always have a profound and special place in my heart. I joined the United States Army at the end of 1983, signing my papers and awaiting departure for Fort McClellan, Alabama the first of March, 1984 on the Delayed Entry Program.. Several years later, I was an E-5 Sergeant…
“Kinfolk Who Just Won’t Leave” – Southern Reflections
Kinfolk who just won’t leave… by Dewayne Gore My mother and father had been shopping the day my brother and I set the woods on fire. I don’t know that for a fact, but a large part of their time together was spent shopping or at the laundramat in Ocean Drive, S.C., now known…
Southern Reflections – Eating Sunflower Seed
When I was nine years old, my mother and sisters ran the Grill on Sunset Beach Pier. Each morning, my younger brother, Tony, and I would go to work with them, and when the Grill closed that night, we would return home. During the course of our days on the Beach, Tony and I…
Southern Reflections: Gettin’ Haircuts from Mr. Rufus Register
Southern Reflections: Gettin’ Haircuts from Mr. Rufus Register by Dewayne Gore © 2013 – All Rights Reserved While reading an article written by Mr. Michael Graff in “Our State” magazine, my thoughts were taken back to my childhood and to a time when we did things simply because it was time to do them. We went…
Southern Reflections: My Embarassing Thanksgiving Day Blow Dryer Episode
From my “Southern Reflections” stories © Copyright 2003 by: Dewayne Gore All Rights Reserved . Warning: There is a reference to an (unintentional) adult topic. If you are offended, please move and do not read this post: Thanksgiving, 1975. I was fourteen years old. As you might have already figured out, the Bee Gees were a big…
“The Bathroom Ghost” – from “Southern Reflections” by Dewayne Gore
“The Bathroom Ghost” – from “Southern Reflections” by Dewayne Gore Yeah, I still laugh about it today. Ok, not “still”, but rather “now”. I never laughed about it when it happened, and didn’t until years later. But, I can laugh now. And, thanks to the picture I drew of it a few years ago, you…
Getting a Crew Cut after Mother Said I Couldn’t
Southern Reflections – Getting a Haircut with my Brother By: Dewayne Gore@2015 All Rights Reserved When I was a young pup, about six or seven years old, I lived in a time commonly referred to as “Back in the Day”. In those days is was normal to get haircuts that left more scalp showing…